"You can't build anything of substance without a strong foundation to begin with." - Me (2020)
The root system is where it all beings for your lawn. Get it right at the start and lay a solid foundation for your lawn roots to flourish and you will reap the benefits! This Root Builder+ LawnPorn product is a premium quality natural seaweed concentrate product developed and designed specifically for turf. Now you may think we are pulling your leg but this concentrate features the freshly harvested South African seaweed Ecklonia Maxima - and yes, I did not just make that up.
This seaweed is what makes this root builder so proficient in what it achieves. On the bottle is tells us that the seaweed is treated with a proprietary method of hormone extraction resulting in a biostimulant with auxin to cytokinin ratio. Now in English, this translates to - "Stimulates a shit load of grass root growth". Sounds good to me.
Back to the specifics. The Root Builder+ auxin to cytokinin ratio at (300:1) is the optimal amount that achieves best root growth results, which can only be a good thing. As a result, this builds a greater root base allowing the lawn to take up a greater amount of nutrients from the soil because of the new root tips and overall greater root mass of the plant. Naturally, the plant responds to the greater root system and delivers improved upper plant growth, more shoots, healthier plant and greater stress tolerance.
Mix-me baby! This Lawn Porn product can be tank-mixed with launch+ or Green Light Fertilisers to give you that added edge. Also gives you the convenience of only having to spray once if you were planning on using both anyway! A combination of Green Light/ Root Builder/ PGR is a great way to efficiently maintain a lower height for effectively managed turf.
Application rate: 50 - 100mL per 100m2 of lawn in 5-15L of water depending on the application method, it is always smart to start with the smallest application first and work your way up from there as the turf gets use to it. Suitable for all grass types. No need to water in after spraying. Effectively tank-mixes with Launch+ and Green Light Fertiliser.
Size | 1 Liter |
Application | Suitable for all lawns |
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