Christie Engineering Post Drivers - Dependability at its best.
Fencing has been a part of the Australian culture for years. Whether that be as a commercial operator or a farmer themselves, kilometers of fencing across our Australian soil is a job so many generations have had to do. Technology has come a significant way and some of your old relatives would have killed to operate some of the petrol-powered hammers we have at our disposal today.
Christie Engineering, a family-owned and operated business in NSW is run by the founder, Les Christie and his two sons. Together they created the Christie Engineering Post Driver which makes fencing a much easier job. Their lightweight, durable and reliable post driver is Australian made for Australia’s harsh conditions, designed to hammer fence posts into the toughest Aussie soil around Australia. Get to know a bit more about the family-run business by watching the video below!
The design utilises the Honda 4-stroke engine piston and crank to force a pocket of air which draws the hammer back and forth with the Honda piston to hammer a picket into the ground. This design has proven to last and significantly prevent wear and tear in comparison to cheaper imports. It also has spring-mounted handle grips to absorb the shock and vibration created by the hammer making it much easier to use. In an article written by The Weekly Times, Les Christie stated how he has some fencing contractors driving “well over 100,000 posts in a year and we’ll send them a $50 service kit and they’re back on the road” (https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/machine/christie-post-drivers-are-light-portable-and-handle-industrial-jobs/news-story/64783d85590e365ae280c089c6ddbfc3). This speaks volumes about the reliability of the product, and when you're needing it to produce an income that’s the type of dependability in a product you need.
Here at Henderson Mowers we also have workshops with qualified technicians for all your major brands and servicing Christie Post Drivers for fencing contracts, councils and farms is a regular thing. We see some drivers come in that have done more work than you can imagine yet they still keep going. It really is a testament to the product. Buy a Christie Engineering Post Driver also means that you have service back-up and parts behind the product. If the sleeve wears after a few years work as a contract it is easily replaceable and the hammer is easily serviceable also. We can get everything you need for a Christie Post Driver done to every nut and bolt, in comparison to cheaper imports where one thing breaks and it’s in the bin and time to buy a new one.
Powered by the best:
Christie Engineering Post Drivers are powered by the one 4-stroke engine that screams reliability like the rest of the machine. A Honda GX35. Honda has built a reputation around their units that is unmatched in the industry. Durable and easy to start and most of all you can get every single part. In an Australian Honda engine backed by their Australian-wide dealer 3-year warranty!
CHPD 52:
This unit is designed to hammer pickets and posts no larger than 52mm in diameter. This will do you the regular star and y picket posts with ease and is only 13.5kg!
RRP $1,875.50 inc. gst.
OUR PRICE $1,699.00 inc. gst. (+FREE AUS-WIDE FRIEGHT*)
CHPD 78:
This unit is the larger driver and can hammer posts and pickets up to 78mm into the Australian soil. Its designed to be able to hammer Maxi posts into the ground as well as the smaller y and star pickets as it comes with a sleeve that you push into the driver to reduce it to 52mm when needed as seen in the image below. Weight: 15.5kg.
RRP $2,178 inc. gst.
Soil Sampling:
Inadvertently the CHPD 78 has also found another purpose in being a portable soil sampling device. Soil sampling is pivotal in a farmers success and they invest heavily in companies that carry out this service for them.
The 78mm Christie Post driver can hammer a tube into the ground which can then be retrieved using the footjack; watch the video below!
Christie Engineering has manufactured and created a post driver that is both reliable and easy to use. Here at Henderson Mowers we are a proud stockist of the product and are grateful for the opportunity to pass them onto the many users out there. Please click the image below to get yours now, we ship Australia wide! If your living depends on it, purchase a high-quality product, not a cheap knock off, buy a Christie.
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