Bow and Arrow Herbicide is a great way to control your broadleaf weeds in turf. It can help control broadleaf weeds including:
- White Clover (Trifolium repens),
- Plantain (Plantago lanceolata),
- Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula),
- Cat’s ear (Hypochoeris radicata),
- Bindii (Jo-Jo, Onehunga) (Soliva sessilis),
- Cudweed (Gnaphalium spp.),
- Creeping oxalis (Oxalis corniculata),
- High level of efficacy
- One standard application rate
- No volatility concerns
- Superior turf safety (cool and warm season grasses)
- A mix of active ingredients for improved resistance management
- No odour
- Additional surfactants not required
Bow & Arrow Herbicide for broadleaf weed control in turf is a formulation containing the active ingredients, MCPA as potassium salt, clopyralid as potassium salt and diflufenican. It is used at an application rate of 5 litres per hectare.
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