Mtd Belt Cutter Deck 1/2" X 96-1/2"
Description: | Description: Non-Genuine Craftsman, Cub Cadet, Kioti Daedong, Masport, Massey |
Ferguson, Morrison, MTD, Rover, Sabre, Troy Bilt, White Outdoor V-Belt | |
Replaces OEM: | Craftsman 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Cub Cadet 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Kioti Daedong 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Massey Ferguson 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, | |
954-04060, 954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, | |
OCC-754-04060, | |
Masport 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Morrison 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
MTD 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Rover 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Sabre GX10065, GX10851 | |
Troy Bilt 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
White Outdoor 754-04060, 754-04060A, 754-04060B, 754-04060C, 754-05056, 954-04060, | |
954-04060A, 954-04060B, 954-04060C, 954-05056, CMXGZAM501044, OCC-754-04060, | |
Deck (inches) | 38" & 42 |
Deck (mm) | 965mm & 1068 |
Deck (cm) | 95cm & 106 |
Length Inside Circumference: ( | 94.5 " |
Length Inside Circumference: ( | 2400 mm |
Length Outside Circumference: | 96.5" |
Length Outside Circumference: | 2451 mm |
Width: (inches) | 1/2" |
Width: (mm) | 12.7 mm |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Craftsman PYT9000 Professional Series (26 hp model 28980) ride-on |
lawn mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Craftsman Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Cub Cadet 1000 Series LT1042 (model 13AX11CG630 year 2005), |
LTX1042 (models 13AP91AS330 years 2012 to 2013, 13AP93AS330 year 2014, | |
13AX91AG330 year 2010, 13AX91AS330 years 2010 and 2012 and 13BP91AS330 year 2013), | |
LTX1042KW (model 13AG93AS330 year 2014) ride-on lawn mower models as | |
the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Cub Cadet Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Kioti Daedong DLT1942 (models 13AO90KG396 years 2009 to 2010 and |
13AJ90KS396 years 2010 to 2011), DLT2042 (model 13AP90KS396 year 2012) ride-on lawn | |
mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Kioti Daedong Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Massey Ferguson MF42-20SD (models 13AP91CS395 years 2010 to 2012, |
13AE11CG695 year 2007, 13AP93GS395 year 2014, 13AP93CS395 year 2014 and 13BP91CS395 | |
years 2012 to 2013) ride-on lawn mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Massey Ferguson Cutter Deck Belt(1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Masport A4200 (model 552925 years 2016 to 2020), H 4200 (model |
552855 years 2014 to 2016), HVT 4200 (model 552856 years 2014 to 2016) ride-on lawn | |
mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Masport Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Morrison G420 (model 552822 years 2015 to 2016) ride-on lawn |
mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Morrison Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut MTD 771G (red 2005 models), 771G (black 2006 models), 791G (hydro |
models), MTD 15.5/42 (model 13AM775S308 years 2013 to 2015), MTD 17/42 | |
(model 13AV765S306 years 2014 to 2015), MTD 17542 (models 13AN772G308 year | |
2009 and 13AN775S306 years 2011 to 2012), 17.5/42 (model 13AN775S308 years 2011 to | |
2015), MTD 18/42 (model 13AT91KS306 year 2012), MTD 20/42 (models | |
13AN775G308 year 2009, 13AT775G308 year 2009, 13AT775S308 year 2013, 13AT77KG308 | |
year 2009, 13AT77KS308 year 2013, 13BT77KS308 year 2015 and 13AT785S306 years 2014 | |
to 2015), 22/42 (model 13AP91KS308 year 2013), MTD Yard Machines (models Black | |
13AO771G670 year 2006, 742RL -13AN772G329 year 2009, 13A7771G670 years 2005 to | |
2006, 13AD791G670 year 2005, 13AM772S329 year 2013, 13AN772G329 year 2009, | |
13AN772G370 years 2008 to 2009, 13AN772S329 years 2010 to 2011, 13AN795G370 year | |
2008 and 13AT77KS329 year 2011), MTD Yard-Man (20 hp model 13AP90YG371 years 2009 - | |
2010), MTD Yard-Man (20 hp model 13AX604G671 year 2005 with manual PTO), Yard-Man | |
YM1642 (models 13AV90YG371 years 2009 to 2010 and 13AV90YS371 years 2010 to 2011), | |
Yard-Man YM2042 (models 13AP90YG371 years 2009 to 2010 and 13AP90YS371 years 2010 | |
to 2011) ride-on lawn mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | MTD Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Rover Raider 1742 (models 13AN91WS333 years 2012 to 2013, |
13AV90KS333 years 2010 to 2012 and 13AV93WS333 year 2014 and 2016), Raider 1842 | |
(model 13AO77TS333 years 2010 - 2012), Raider 2042 (models | |
13AP93WS333 year 2014 and 13BP93WS333 year 2014), Rancher 1742 (model | |
13AV90KS333 years 2010 to 2012), Rancher 2042 (model 13AP91KS333 years 2010 | |
- 2012), Rancher 2242 (model 13AP91WS333 years 2012 to 2013), Rancher 547/42 | |
(models 13A879WS333 years 2016 to 2020 and 13AX79WS333 year 2016) ride-on lawn | |
mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Rover Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 38" (965 mm) cut Sabre 1438GS, 1438HS, 15.538GS, 15.538HS, 1538HS ride-on lawn |
mower models as the hydro transmission belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Sabre Transmission Drive Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Product Line Notes: | Please Note: For the transmission drive belt for gear models use our BEL68106. |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Sabre 1742GS and 1742HS ride-on lawn mower models as the hydro |
transmission belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | Troy Bilt Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Product Line Notes: | Please Note: For the transmission drive belt for gear models use our BEL68106. |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut Troy Bilt Pony (models 13AN77KS309 year 2012 to 2015, 13AN779G766 |
year 2005 and 13WN77KS011 year 2011), TB4216 (13AV90KS309 year 2011) and TB4220 | |
(model 13AP90KS309 year 2011 to 2012 and 2014) ride-on lawn mower models as the | |
cutter deck belt. | |
Belt Position & Size: | White Outdoor Cutter Deck Belt (1/2" Wide x 96 1/2" O.D) |
Fits: | 42" (1067 mm) cut White Outdoor LT-175 (model 13AN77GS390 year 2011) and Mustang |
(model 13AN77GG390 year 2009) ride-on lawn mower models as the cutter deck belt. | |
Standard Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Brand: | Cub Cadet - Non Genuine, Craftsman - Non Genuine, MTD - Non Genuine, Sabre - Non Genuine, Rover - Non Genuine |
Product Line: | Belt, V Belt, Vee Belt, Cutter Deck Belt, Transmission Belt, 1/2" Belt, A Section Belt |
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