Got bugs that are ruining your turf? Now is the time to exterminate them. Say hello to my little frienndd. LAWNPORN HISTORY.
The name says it all, this product is a systemic insecticide that is a professional turf solution for the control of African Black Beetle, Argentinean Scarabs and Bilbugs Larve.
The active ingredient is Thiamethoxam that acts to make these things exactly what is in the name - History.
- minimal or no smell
- suitable for turfs with irregular irrigation
- mode of actuion is group 4A - Neonicotinods
- once watered in, safe for pets and animals to walk on
Size | 1L |
Application: | (Instar Larvae of African Black Beetle) |
Ratio: 8mL to 12mL in at least 5L of water for 100m2 | |
Apply the product prior to or at peak egg hatch - this corresponds to either mid spring to early summer or when the small larvae are seen. For best results ensure that the application of the Lawnporn product is as close to the soil as possible using really coarse droplets. Preferably spray onto turf when wet or damp. Irrigate with 6 to 12 mm of water within 1 hour of applying. | |
(Larvae of Billbug) | |
Ratio: 8mL to 12mL in at least 5L of water for 100m2. | |
You have to watch the bug and when you think that numbers area peaking through late spring to early summer application is needed. This is when the small larvae (about 4mm) are beginning to be seen in the thatch or on the surface. Earl application is pivital in preventing them from damaging your grass. Use the highest application amount when pest pressure is high or 2nd instar larvae are present. Again product placement is to be close as possible to the soil for best results and to be applied in coarse droplets. Preferably spray on wet or damp grass and irrigate in with 6 to 12mm of water commencing within 1 hour of applying the product. |
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